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Islam the Glorious religion

Volume - VI / CHAPTER - 1 / LESSON NO: 2 / PAGE 2 of 2


Q4: What does Shari'ah say about him who interprets "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" as "seal of the Prophets" or "Afdal-un Nabeiyeen"?
A. There are four kinds of meaning i.e. literal, Shar'ee, common and specific. According to Shar'ee meaning "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" positively stands for "Aakhir-ul-Ambeeyaa" (the last one among all the Prophets) without any other shade of meaning and the common meaning of it is also the same as the Shar'ee one. Interpreting the word "Khaatam" as "seal,stamp" or "the most distinguished" is also contrary to the literal meaning and thus it is absurd. Whether this word is taken as "Khaatam" or "Khaatim" it definitely means "the last one" according to the authentic and popular Arabic dictionaries and when spoken for any personage it means "Aakhir-ul Qaum" (the last one of the group of Apostles, Messangers and Prophets). So "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" means "Aakhir-ul Ambeeyaa".

The word "Khaatimul Ambeeyaa" will stand true in its meaning only when the one upon whom this honour has been conferred, must be the Last Prophet. He is so, indeed.
To invent or concoct any other term or meaning of any word (of the Holy Quran) than the Shar'ee or popular one is not only veritable misguidance but also it is "Zindeqah-o-Ilhaad" (hypocrisy and disbelief). Such non-sensical claims are not worth-heeding. If heeded, it will upset the earthly and spiritual systems.

And if the word "Khaatam" is taken to mean "seal,stamp" and "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" as the "seal of the Prophets" even then it is proved that the Holy Prophet is the Last Messenger, for, a container is sealed when filled and a topic,writing is stamped when complete. Hence, "the seal of the. Prophets" represents the fact that the list of the Prophets was complete and there was no need for further addition. Therefore, it was sealed,stamped. It must be kept in mind that the way by which the Holy Quran adduces arguments,reasons is so scholarly and comprehensive that a thing,matter is defined and expounded by different styles and one Quranic verse becomes exegesis of the other thereby manifesting the reality. So is the case with (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammad's Last Messengership. The clarion declaration of the Glorious Quran - "Al-yauma Akmaltu Lakum Deenakum" (this day, I have perfected your religion for you), is before you. This Quranic verse neither carries "Khaatam" nor "Khaatim" eliminating any chance of doubt and supposition. It clearly and tersely announces that the Divine Law has gradually attained to "perfection" leaving no room for any new message or messenger. This Last Message (Islaam) and Last Prophet (Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad, may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) will suffice for all ages,times and creations to come till the Doomsday. Apart from this, the Holy Prophet has himself said in numerous Ahaadees that "I am the Last Prophet. No prophet will follow me". After Quranic and Prophetic proofs on "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" no believer can even imagine to interpret it otherwise. In brief, whoever claims to be a prophet after Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) or accepts or acknowledges or testifies anybody as prophet (after the Holy Prophet) is "Zindeeq-o-Murtad" (hypocrite, apostate and disbeliever) and the one who denies the accepted and popular meaning of "Khatmul Nabuwah" (culmination of the institution of Prophethood in Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad) or doubts it or invents or concocts any other meaning than the accepted and popular one or even has a slight doubt in this respect, is accursed, out of Islamic fold and will be consigned to hell-fire.

Q 5: Please also explain some Ahaadees in respect of "Khatmun Nabuwah"?
A. There are numerous Ahaadees in this context. The substance of them is:
1. I am "Muhammad" (the one who has been highly praised). I am "Ahmad" (the most commendable). I am "Maahee" i.e. Allah Almighty eliminates "Kufr" (infidelity, unbelief) because of me. I am "Haashir" i.e. people will be resurrected on my feet on the Doomsday meaning they will be resurrected after him. I am "Aqib" and Aqib is he whom no prophet will follow i.e. there is no prophet after him.

2. I am last of all Prophets.

3. I was, indeed, "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" with Allah when Adam was yet in his clay.

4. Undoubtedly the institution of Messengership and Prophethood has reached its highest glory in me. Now, no Messenger or Prophet will come after me.

5. If there were any prophet after me then he would be Umar. Everybody knows that Hadrat Umar Farooque (may Allah be pleased with him) was not prophet so it is proved that there can be no prophet after the Holy Prophet.

6. There will appear nearly thirty "Dajjaal" (veritable liars,deceivers) in my Ummat (meaning among mankind including believers and unbelievers as Islam is preached to all). Every one of them will consider himself "prophet" i.e. will claim prophethood notwithstanding the fact that I am "Khaataman Nabeiyeen" and no prophet will follow me.

7. I and all other Prophets are like a palace which was built beautifully and magnificently but a space for a brick was left unfilled. People visited it and expressed their amazement on the master-piece, but all badly felt the unfilled space of a brick therein. With my advent the space is filled and now the building is complete because of me. The institution of Messengership climaxed in me. I am the very last brick of the "palace of Prophethood" and "Khaatimul Ambeeyaa" (the Last Prophet).

8. The whole earth has been made mosque and purifier for the Holy Prophet. He said: "Ju'ilat Li-yal Ardu Masjidaoon wa Tahooraa" (the entire earth has been declared "Taahir-o-Mutaahir" (clean, pure and purifier) for me. Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and Hindus worshipped at no other place than in their synagogue, church, fire-temple and temple (respectively) but the prayer,worship of the Muslims does not, according to Shari-ah, necessarily need a mosque, arch or house. Their hearts and eyes are imbued with the spirit and light of Islaam. That's why each and every part,place of the earth irrespective of important or unimportant suits them for worship. Thus the whole earth has been made mosque for the Holy Prophet. Likewise, "Tahaarah" (purification, cleanliness) is a prerequisite for prayer. Can Muslims, who consider every flora and flower and particle of dust, the fountainhead of Divine knowledge and seek after knowledge therein, be relieved of the obligation of prayer due to non-availability of water. Humanbeing is made of clay,earth. His genesis is earth and he will turn (after death) into the earth. The earth is the cradle of creatures who subsist (directly or indirectly) on it. Accordingly, the earth has been made "Tahoor" (pure and purifying) and substitute for water.

9. The Holy Prophet has been gifted "Jawaami'ul Kalim". The Chief of Allah's creations Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) said: "U'teetu Bijawaami'il Kalim" (I have been gifted with comprehensive word,speech i.e. he speaks concisely with each word carrying profound meaning).
One can not help being impressed by the words of the Holy Prophet, if he listens to or reads, which are brief, simple, unambiguous and full of truth, besides being the treasure of profound meaning, knowledge and guidance.
Another Hadees says: "Ukhtusira Li-yakhtisaaraa" (perfection,excellence has been capsuled for me:
a. I have been endowed with the "brevity of word,speech" i.e. he speaks concisely.
b. Time has been shortened for me so that my "Ummat" may not remain in graves for long.
c. Ages of my "Ummatis" (bondslaves, followers) have been shortened in order that they may save themselves from odious things, commit less sins and attain to the Divine favours (in the hereafter) soon.
d. The travelling distance of "Siraat" (pathway over hell leading to paradise) which is of fifteen thousand years, has been so reduced for my bondslaves that they will cross it in a trice like lightning.
e. The Doomsday will continue for fifty thousand years but it will be made easy for my bondslaves more easy than the time they spend in two Rak'ahs' prayer.
f. My Ummat has been granted great reward for less virtuous deeds.
g. The divine knowledge and secrets which can not be gained even by thousand years of efforts and exercises, were revealed to my "As-haab" (companions) for their few days service to me.
h. The distance of millions of years between the earth and heavens was reduced for me - so much so that I went there (heavens, empyrean even beyond that), visited all places and came back in three "Saa'at" (moments).
i. The book which has been descended on me has, despite limited pages, detailed information about the past and future. Its each verse contains sixty thousand even more knowledge,sciences and a verse of it can be explained in such an abundant detail that seventy camels may be needed to carry the load of the papers so written.
j. The whole world (from the east to the west) has been so shortened for me that I witness it and all that which will happen in it till the Doomsday as if I see the palm of my hand.
k. The past communities,nations underwent arduous worship and trials but my Ummat has been relieved of it. Fifty times prayer a day was reduced to only five times a day but the reward of fifty times prayer remains intact. In "Zakaat" (poor-due) payment of one-fortieth of valuables is obligatory instead of l/4th but the reward is granted of l/4th payment. This excellence is also one of the Holy Prophet's "Ikhtisaar-e-Kalaam" (few words but profound meanings).

10. The Holy Prophet has been granted the primacy of intercession. He said: "Wa U'teetush Shafaa'ah" (I have been endowed with the right of intercession). Shafaa'ah of the Holy Prophet is proved by innumerable authentic "Ahaadees". Every Muslim, who has correct beliefs, knows well that no Prophet or Angel however prominent he was or is, was blessed with this primacy except for Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) who has been graced with the dignity of being Allah's Beloved and singular excellence of intercession with Allah Almighty for His creatures on the Doomsday.

On the Doomsday, all mankind will be gathered in a vast and even field. The blazing sun will exhaust them. They all will consult with one another and decide to approach Prophet Adam for relief from the ordeal. They will go to him and crave for "Shafaa'at" (intercession). He will say "Nafsee Nafsee Izhaboo Ilaa Ghaieree" (I am busy with myself) you approach Prophet Noah. They all will go to him and similarly to Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus but no Prophet will help them in the distress. Having been frustrated and disappointed by all quarters they will anyhow come to the Holy Prophet (Saiey-yidinaa Muhammadur Rasoolul Laah, Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa Sallam) who will intercede with Allah Almighty for them and thus they will be helped out. Approach of the mankind to other Prophets on the Day of Judgement for intercession than directly approaching the Holy Prophet (though the Holy Prophet's companions, successors to companions, scholars of traditions, saints, savants etc: even the Prophets will be there) is indicative of the fact that this well-known saying of the Holy Prophet will be erased from their memory so that the greatness and dignity of the Holy Prophet is fully exposed to all the past and future communities,nations and proponents and opponents and that the direct approach to the Holy Prophet may also create a misgiving in somebody's mind that if they had approached any other Prophet he might have interceded for them. After disappointment with other Prophets all humankind will stand convinced of the exclusive privilege of the Holy Prophet.

AN ESSENTIAL POINT: We firmly maintain that the "Shafaa'at" (intercession) of Allah's Beloved Prophet, Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is "Haq" (truth) and we are, by the grace of Allah Almighty, on the path of righteousness. He (Holy Prophet) will definitely bless us with his "Shafaa'at". "Wahaabis" (followers of Abdul Wahab, a 19th century so-called Arab religious leader who had erroneous beliefs particularly in respect of the Holy Prophet) say it is not possible. They are right in their thinking! We hope the intercession of the Holy Prophet will not be for such insolent people.
The Holy Prophet himself said that his intercession is "Haq" (truth). Whoever does not believe in his Shafaa'at is not worthy of it. Well, the traits and excellences of the Holy Prophet are not few. Imaam Saieyutee (may Allah shower His mercy on him) has recounted nearly 250 of his (Prophet's) qualities. Scholars and mystics who have been blessed with the Divine secrets have more knowledge about it. The companions of the Holy Prophet had far greater knowledge than the scholars and mystics, the knowledge of the Holy Prophet about his traits and excellences far transcends all and the knowledge of his Creator (Allah Almighty) Who has lavished His blessings, favours and graces upon His choicest Prophet in this world and has reserved many more for conferring on him in the hereafter, is beyond human comprehension. An Hadees to this effect says: "O'Abu Bakr! nobody could know me exactly except my 'Rabb'(Allah)".

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