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Islam the Glorious religion

Volume - VI / CHAPTER - 1 / LESSON NO: 3 / PAGE 2 OF 2


Q 6: How is that for reciting Durood Shareef before "Azaan" and "Iqaamah"?
A. There is no harm in reciting Durood Shareef before Azaan and Iqaamah, for, recitation of Durood Shareef before an important work is commendable act. Azaan and Iqaamah are also very important works,occasions. However, Durood Shareef and Azaan or Durood Shareef and Iqaamah should not be mingled with. There should either be an interval between them or be recited in lower voice than Azaan and Iqaamah (to differentiate between Durood Shareef and Azaan, Iqaamah) so that people may not take it as a part of Azaan or Iqaamah.

The deniers of the recitation of Durood Shareef before Azaan and Iqaamah are either "Wahaabis" or those ignorant Muslims who emulate them. If you make Muslims understand they will accept it but the stubborn Wahaabis will not understand! How ironical it is that allout efforts are being made to denigrate the pronounced characteristics and excellences of the Holy Prophet who is solicitous for his bondslaves,followers (Ummatis) from the very birth until now in his hallowed grave and obstruct the expression and dissemination of his renown,praise in one way or the other instead of loving, venerating and praising him.
"Walaakinnal Wahaabiyata Qaumul Laa Ya'qeloon" (but Wahaabis are shorn of the senses).

Q.7: How is that for reciting Durood Shareef during shopping and sale?
A. It is impermissible for a businessman to either recite Durood Shareef or "Subhaan Allah" while showing saleable item,commodity to the customer to prove the quality of the item, commodity so that the customer may buy that. Likewise, it is also impermissible to recite Durood Shareef seeing an elite or leader with the intention to point out his arrival so that people may stand in his respect and make way for him.

Q 8: How is that for writing "Saad, Laam, 'Aien, Meem" in place of Durood Shareef?
A. One must write "Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wasallam" or the like with the blessed name of the Holy Prophet when he/she writes it. Some religious scholars maintain it to be "Waajib" (essential act). It is impermissible and "Haraam" (unlawful) to write "Saad, Laam, 'Aien, Meem" or only "Saad" in place of Durood Shareef or to write 'Aien, Meem or only 'Aien in lieu of 'Alaie-his-Salaam. Unfortunately, this ignoble act is so common now that even some religious scholars are also given to it. Just to save a little amount of ink or some space of paper or to save a few seconds they deprive themselves of Divine blessings and graces.

Imaam Jalaaluddin Siyuti has reported that the man who was first to introduce this abbreviation of Durood Shareef had his hand amputated. Similarly, writing "Qaaf in place of "Quddisa Sirruhoo" or "Raa Haa" in lieu of "Rahmatul Laah Ta'laa 'Alaieh" is an idiocy and is to deprive oneself of blessings. Such nonsense should be avoided.

Q 9: How does the Holy Prophet respond to our "Salaam"?
A. The Holy Prophet himself said that when any of my Ummatis says or sends "Salaam" to me, Allah Almighty returns my soul which is "Mustaghraq" and "Mushghool" (absorbed and engaged) in Him (Allah) to respond to his Salaam. A Hadees says: "I myself hear "Salaam" of my lovers and votaries and also recognise them and of others' the Angels convey to me".

Q10: How is that for reciting Durood Shareef aloud?
A. The Holy Prophet is reported (in an Hadees) to have said: "whoever recites Durood Shareef aloud, the Angels send "Durood" on him loudly in the heavens after his death. It has also been reported in the same Hadees that Imaam Nawavi has described the aloud recitation of Durood Shareef as "Mustahab". Allama Khateeb Baghdadi and other Ulama have also endorsed his view.

Q11: What injunction is there about joint recitation of Durood Shareef in chorus?
A. Recitation of Durood Shareef by people all together as Muslims commonly recite "Ayat-e-Kareemah" followed by Durood Shareef after "Du'aa" of obligatory prayer or recite "Salaat-o-Salaam" in "Meelaad" programmes in soft voice or loudly is undoubtedly lawful. It has been narrated by the Holy Prophet's companions that a pure fragrance emanates from the meeting,sitting in which Allah's blessings are invoked on the Holy Prophet which rises higher and higher. When it reaches heavens the Angels say it is the fragrance of that gathering and meeting,sitting in which Durood Shareef was recited. There is a tradition in Muslim and Tirmizi that when a party, group of people busy themselves in remembrance of Allah, the Angels surround that meeting/gathering, mercy cover them, "Sakeenah" (peace,satisfaction) descend on them and Allah Almighty remembers them among those who are with Him i.e. Angels. Every believer knows well that the "Zikr" of the Holy Prophet but of all the Prophets and Saints is, in fact, Zikr of Allah as they all are the Prophets and Saints of Allah. And about the Holy Prophet, Allah Almighty said: "I have made you a part of My Zikr. Whoever praises you he actually praises Me." So the Zikr of the Holy Prophet is the Zikr of Allah, indeed. The love of the Holy Prophet is real "Eimaan", nay, the soul of Islamic faith.

Q12: Please explain some Ahaadees in regard to excellences of Durood Shareef?
A. It is beyond human attainment and reach to explain innumerable excellences, greatness and graces of invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet (recitation of Durood Shareef); suffice it to say that sending of blessings and graces by Allah, the Most Transcendent, on the peerless Prophet, Saiey-yidinaa Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is the ample proof of the greatness of recitation of Durood Shareef. However, some Ahaadees in this context are propounded here. The Holy Prophet said:
1. Whoever invokes Allah's blessings on me once Allah grants him ten blessings.
2. Whoever recites Durood Shareef once Allah Almighty will grant him ten blessings, remit ten sins from him and raise his ten degrees.
3. .Nearest me on the Doomsday would be that believer who invoked most blessings on me (heart and soul).
4. When one recites Durood Shareef, the Angels send blessings on and keep doing so as long as he remains busy in it. Now it is upto him he may invoke more blessings on me or less.
5. If one writes the blessed name of the Holy Prophet, the Angels will continue sending blessings on him so long as it remains intact in the book. Another Hadees says that the Angels will keep praying for his absolution and emancipation and the one upon whom the Angels send blessings will definitely be entered into paradise.
6. Groups of believers will throng to my "Haud-e-Kauser" (an exclusive heavenly body of water) and I will recognise them by their profuse invocation of Allah's blessings on me in their lifetime.
7. The one who recites Durood Shareef in great numbers will be delivered earlier from the trials and tribulations of the Doomsday.
8. The believer who recites Durood Shareef a hundred times on Friday will be forgiven his eighty years' sins.
9. Recite Durood Shareef in large number as it is "Zakaat" for you meaning it is a means of your welfare and emancipation.
10. If one faces any hardship,difficulty he should invoke Allah's blessings on me extensively. His all difficulties and sufferings will, by the grace of Durood Shareef, be removed, his subsistance, livelihood blessed and all his needs met.
11. Whoever invokes Allah's blessings on me ten times every morning and evening (night), I will intercede for him on the Doomsday.

Briefly, Durood Shareef is a certain source of absolution, forgiveness, blessings, peace, prosperity and felicity in this world and the world hereafter. The time spent in invoking Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet brings temporal as well as spiritual benefits to the reciter and the time spent in obliviousness to it is nothing but misfortune.

O' bondslave of the Messenger of Allah! be agile and voracious and fervently collect this great bounty and favour of Allah. Showing slackness and meanness in invoking Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet is misfortune. A Hadees says: he is the big meanie before whom my name is mentioned but he does not recite Durood Shareef. "Sallal Laahu 'Alan Nabeiy-yil Ummei-yee wa Aalehee Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa Sallam Salaataoon wa Salaaman 'Alaieka Yaa Rasoolal Laah".

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