Darululoom Azizia Noori Masjid
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Islam the Glorious religion

Volume - III / CHAPTER - 1 / LESSON NO: 8


Q 1: What is Wali (Saint)?
A. The believers who suppress their carnal and temporal desires and devote themselves to the love of Allah and His Messenger Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) are called "Auliya Allah" (singular Wali).

Q 2: How is "Wilaayat"(sainthood) attained?
A. Wilaayat (Sainthood) is an exceptional divine gift which Allah Almighty grants to His pious servants. However, sometime worship and remembrance of Allah earns the believer Wilaayat and some are born Wali.

Q 3: Can an unknowledgeable believer be Wali?
A. No, an unknowledgeable believer can not attain to Sainthood. Islaamic knowledge is must for Wilaayat whether he acquires it or he is divinely graced with it.

Q 4: Can a man be called "Wali" who does not follow Shari'ah?
A. No believer even a saint is immune from Shari'ah till such time he is sane. He who claims to be free from Shari'ah is no Wali but an imposter. Such concept is misguidance and disbelief. However, Shari'ah is not applicable to that believer who has lost himself in the love of Allah (Majzoob) i.e. he is no more in his senses. But it should be borne in mind that he will also not oppose the Shari'ah.

Q 5: What are the excellences of Auliya (Allah's saints)?
A. Auliya Allah are the true viceregents of the Holy Prophet whom Allah Almighty has endowed with marvelous power to demonstrate "Karaamat pi: Karaamaat" (mini miracles). Allah Almighty answers the supplications of His servants and meet their needs by the means of His saints. Their supplications benefit Allah's creatures and their love earns believers the good in this world and the next world and Allah's pleasure too. Visiting their shrines and attending their "Urs" (death anniversaries) bring blessings to the believers provided no act inimical to Shari'ah is done.

Q 6: Is it lawful or not to seek help from Auliya Allah?
A. Asking Allah's Saints for help which is called "Istimdaad" and "Ista'anat" (help-seeking) is undoubtedly lawful provided help is sought in permissible words. By the grace of Allah they help the needy. Calling them and seeking their help (irrespective of distance) is proved by our pious ancestors.

Q 7: Is "Nazar-o-Neyaaz" for Saints lawful or not?
A. "Eisaal-e-Sawaab" (submission,conveying of reward of virtuous deeds) which is called "Nazar-o-Neyaaz" in Persian is lawful for Auliya Allah. Eisaal-e-Sawaab i.e. recitation of the Holy Qur-aan, remembrance of Allah's names and attributes, recitation of Durood Sharif (invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet), alms etc. is not only lawful but also commendable act and proved by the traditions. This is rife among Muslims for long. "Geyarwin Shareef'(Nazar-o-Neyaaz of Hadrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani [may Allah be pleased with him], the founder of Qadria mystic fraternity is highly blessed one.

Q 8: What about he who dissuades from Nazar-o-Neyaaz of Auli-yaa Allah?
A. It is proved by traditions of the Holy Prophet so he who dissuades from Nazar-o-Neyaaz of Allah's Saints, in fact, opposes the traditions and such person is necessarily a misguided.

Q 9: What about placing floral wreaths or sheets on shrines of Auli-yaa Allah?
A. Placing floral wreaths or sheets on the shrines of Muslim scholars, sages, saints and righteous servants of Allah with the intention of respecting them and seeking Allah's grace through their means is lawful.

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