Darululoom Azizia Noori Masjid
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Islamic Academy is dedicated to increase Islamic knowledge  to the Muslims all over the world. Knowledge is a very powerful tool to understand and practice Islam. Proper knowledge  and practice helps to create fear of ALLAH in a Muslim's heart, leads to ALLAH Ta'ala's favors, and finally the most desired destination of Akherat, the Jannat. Islamic Academy teaches Islamic ways of Ahelsunnat wal jamat, by books & audio publications, local Islamic Centers and through this website.


Aqaid - Zaat-o-Sifaat Bari Ta'ala

Aqaid - Naboowat 1

Aqaid - Naboowat 2

Aqaid - 'Alam-e-Barzakh

Aqaid - Ma'ad-o-Hashr

Aqaid - Jinnaat or Dozakh

Aqaid - Iman o Kufr

Aqaid - Imamat

more coming soon ..........